Does more fertilizer mean more yield?

fertilizer uram

Farmers often believe that applying more fertilizers and irrigation will result in higher yields. However, this is a misconception and can be a significant mistake. Excessive fertilizer and irrigation do not necessarily lead to increased yield but rather result in wastage and unnecessary costs.

Every crop absorbs only the required amount of water and nutrients for its daily needs. There is no mechanism in plants to store excess fertilizer or water. Unlike human nature, where we tend to consume more food when available, plants do not function the same way. Over-application of fertilizers and water is due to a lack of understanding of plant needs.

The saying “too much of anything is harmful” applies here. Excessive fertilizer and water not only fail to benefit the crops but also encourage the growth of weeds. Weeds, lying dormant up to three feet deep in the soil, can thrive when given excess water and nutrients, outcompeting the actual crops.

Certain crops, like papaya, moringa, and gooseberry, do not require much water. Over-irrigation can harm their yield. Precision farming techniques, including drip irrigation, soluble fertilizers, greenhouses, aeroponics, and hydroponics, help meet the exact nutrient and water requirements of crops using computer-aided calculations.

Applying more fertilizer, irrigation, herbicides, and pesticides than necessary can lead to losses rather than benefits. Farmers should understand their soil’s nutrient levels and the specific requirements of their crops to use fertilizers and water efficiently.

The horticulture department provides a crop-wise fertilizer schedule that details the specific fertilizers needed for different crops. Farmers can obtain this information from the department to optimize their input use.

Dr. P. Ilangovan, Additional Director of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu.


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